FWZIP Manager Cross - Referenced Basic Instructions (cross-references to FWZdoc.fw3) The following cross-referenced basic instructions for FWZIP Manager were created using the Swiss Columns II macro, version 2.11 (found on CIS ASHFORUM, Library 10), also by Gary Reger: Basic Instruction Cross - Reference 1. You have installed FWZmac.fw3 as {ALT-Z} in your Library. Now See Section 2.1 on you want to try it out. changing {Alt-Key} (note: Just for future reference, FWZIP Manager is designed to be used either as a macro, a stand-alone FRED program, or as a program choice from an "Apps" menu -- see fwzdoc.fw3); Section 3.1.1 Basic Instruction Cross - Reference 2. Press {Alt-Z} (or whatever macro name you Sectios 2.1 and have chosen); 2.1 Basic Instruction Cross - Reference 3. You will be Section 3.2 presented with a prompt-line menu; Basic Instruction Cross - Reference 4. There are several levels of FWZIP Manager, prompt line menus. Section 3.2.1 On the FIRST level are : Help Zip Functions Utilities Quit Each of these first level menu choices (other than Quit) leads to its own respective sub-menu (also on See Sections 3.2.2 prompt line); through 3.2.4 Basic Instruction Cross - Reference 5. Navigate all menus like any other FWIII prompt line menu. That is, choose with cursor OR by pressing first character of desired choice (as shown by bold-underline in this documentation, see above and below); Basic Instruction Cross - Reference 6. Help leads to Sections 3.2.2 and on-line help for PKZIP and 4.5 FWZIP Manager. Try FWZIP Manager Help. Do so and you will be prompted for a word or term to search for help on; for help on help, enter "Help Help". When you choose FWZIP Manager Help, the prompt line will contain a context sensitive suggested search term that you can use or delete. Note: Each sub-menu also has a Help option; Basic Instruction Cross - Reference 7. A] Zip Section 3.2.3 Functions leads to a sub-menu that corresponds to the PKZIP commands. Choose a FWZip Manager sub-menu choice and, after answering prompts for file names, the menu choice will execute the corresponding PKZIP function; B] Note: FWZIP Manager shows you the choice of available *.zip files on Section 3.2.4 and your set path and you may 4.2 enter the file name you want to act on by cursor pointing. This feature is one of FWZIP Manager's "nice touches"; **** C] For a trial run, try List to Section 3.2.3 produce a PKZIP list of files contained in FWZM.zip; D] Alert ! See Sections 3.2.4 FWZIP Manager tries to run a and 4.3 PKZIP session inside a FW3 frame/window. If you lack memory below 640K for this, the program will abort. If this happens, set FWZIP Manager's Roll-out? option to "On" via the Utilities menu; Basic Instruction Cross - Reference 8. Utilities leads Section 3.2.4 to a sub-menu for setting the DOS paths, setting DOS roll-out option "on" or "off", and performing disk maintenance on *.zip files (copy, move, delete, rename); PRINT & READ FWZdoc.fw3 for complete instructions fwzms3 swcprtemp Cross-Referenced Instructions ForFWZIP Manager